Monday, May 24, 2010

Final Essay

There are many things I enjoyed and disliked about my topic. The book I read, The Bermuda Triangle, wasnt all that fun to read, but it did provide key information that I needed for my blog. It talked about the Bermuda Triangle as a whole, and also it went into detail about some of the incidents that have occured throughout it. The most interesting thing I learned was that there were problems with the Bermuda Triangle long before it was publicized in the media. Dating as far back as the 1400's to be exact. Christopher Columbus documented in his journal that he was having problems with his compass while in the Bermuda area.

If I could have done anything differently, I wouldn't have procrastinated. By waiting until the last minute, I made things much harder on myself. Also, I would've spoken to an expert on the Bermuda Triangle, whether it be an author or professor.

Although skeptical at first, I do believe that all the hype about the Bermuda Triangle is real. There are far too many disapperances within the exact same area for this to just be a coincidence. What really secured my opinion is the fact that problems were known about this area as early as Christopher Columbus's time. However, I still am not sure as to what the exact cause of all the disapperances is.

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