Sunday, May 16, 2010

Multimedia Review 2

"Many people have reported seeing portals in the cloudy skies, strange swirling lights sometimes accompanies by sounds, temporal distortions, electromagnetic distortions called "electronic fog"...and the disappearance of planes and ships." This is one of the things discussed in the video The Bermuda Traingle: Fact or Fiction. The video starts off by explaining what the Bermuda Triangle is, where its located, etc. It then goes into detail of the history of the Bermuda Triangle and mentions that it was Christopher Columbus who first experienced abnormality in the area, even documenting it in his log in the process. The video mentions an important statistic "Over 200 incidents linked to the Bermuda Triangle have been recorded. None of them have been solved."

In my opinion, the video provided good information. Even though I had heard/read much of the same information prior to viewing this video. I liked the way the video was easy to follow, while providing pictures, sound effects, and illustrations. The video was broken up into three categories: "What is the Bermuda Triangle" which gave an overview of the topic. "Theories" which gave possible explanations of the Bermuda Triangle, some widely believed, some not. "History" which recollects the most highly publicized incidents to occur in the Bermuda Triangle. The final category gave the video creator's final opinion based on his/her research. Overall, the video was creative, but didn't provide much new knowledge on the topic

"The Bermuda Triangle: Fact or Fiction." YouTube-The Bermuda Triangle: Fact or Fiction. Web. 16 May 2010. .

1 comment:

Ms. Leslie Terrell said...

Good job just late 20/50

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